01 - day one

17 - should i date

02 - making new plans

18 - as you wish

03 - every second counts

19 - doorbell alarm

04 - new year snow

20 - lunar eclipse

05 - three simple words

21 - george and lennie

06 - on the rise

22 - planet reverb

07 - time to go home

23 - more insulation

08 - from here to europe

24 - some family news

09 - some self help

25 - poor writing quality

10 - one small event

26 - he keeps on talking

11 - just passing the time

27 - happy and tired

12 - middle of january

28 - from one extreme

13 - cascading emotions

29 - stopwatch emotions

14 - no more droning

30 - some travel plans

15 - homesteading in montana

31 - germany and italy

16 - one for you