01 - futon be gone

17 - twelfth night

02 - must start something

18 - sleeping saturday

03 - fixed events

19 - caught in a downpour

04 - nineteen years old

20 - impressionist bedroom

05 - decompress

21 - not feeling well

06 - family labor day

22 - the ribbed dress

07 - dead water heater

23 - equinox

08 - an ignition module

24 - compare and contrast

09 - surrounding myself

25 - the unknown catalyst

10 - gone sun sex

26 - summer sunday

11 - more groaning

27 - some common sense

12 - just enough

28 - september storms

13 - snakes on bridges

29 - must write more

14 - three random words

30 - thirty days hath

15 - what country friends


16 - no hurricane here